(turn music on/off at page bottom)


"...and how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Romans 10:14)

Here are links to some wonderful men and women of God we think you will find exceptionally enlightening--especially if you are serious about "loving the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength" (Luke 10:27):

** (pause music player at page bottom before clicking on these links)

A Word About The Music Playing On This Website:

All of the music playing on this website is from our own personal CD music collection and has been carefully selected to enhance your overall enjoyment of this website; along with the added hope that the songs we have selected will not only be enjoyable for you to listen to, but more importantly, will cause you to reflect upon and glorify the One in whom the music is all about!

Please bear in mind that we have purposely made these sound files as small as possible for adequate replay on your computer, but by no means does the sound quality compare to the superior sound quality of the original CD's. We hope you will enjoy these songs enough to thank the individual artists by purchasing their CD's.

For CD purchase information, here are links to some of the artists playing here:

For questions/information about any of the songs and/or artists playing on this website please email us.

Read And/Or Search The Scriptures

"...they...searched the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so."
(Acts 17:11)

(e.g., John 1:1 or God's love)

Search Tip: type in more than one chapter or book at a time, e.g., John 2, Mark 6 or Luke 2-5.

(Click On Bible To Read It)
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